Make sure that each bulk email feels personalized. The best specific email list way to do this is through a mail merge program. These programs are designed to enter a prospect's name or title into the salutation field, and again in any other specific email list part of the email where such an address would be appropriate. This will not only give the impression that your mass emails were written solely for one client's eye, improving the chances that they will specific email list respond, it will also make it far less likely to end up in a Spam folder.
Update your list of email addresses regularly. Most real specific email list estate agents will have an ever changing roster of clients. As new clients are added, or as deals are closed, be sure to update your mailing lists to reflect this. This specific email list will ensure that you are reaching out to all your active accounts, while not bombarding former clients with unwanted specific email list solicitations.A good real estate agent will build time into their day to maintain and update their realtor email lists.
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