Ways to Acquire Your First 100 Customers The best way to add value to an online community is by first getting a feel for the kind of topics that resonate within that community. What kind of posts are getting the most engagement? What's getting the most upvotes or likes? One easy way to add value to virtually any group while also building a list of potential customers is by offering free “office hours” to help people solve the pain point that your product solves. For example, if you have a SaaS product that helps people improve their sales process, you might post about a
Sales Process Q&A whatsapp database session” where you let others in the group schedule a time on your calendar to chat about improving their sales process. This way, you can get a better understanding of your market and their pain points on the call, and also ask them in a non-pushy way whether they'd like to be part of a beta user list. Check out how this Facebook user is offering free office hour sessions to help people dismantle their fears and mental barriers around public speaking: 14 Ways to Acquire Your First 100 Customers If you offer to give your time to help members of the group, you'll both build a deeper relationship with members of the group (which could result in more paying customers) as well as credibility within the group. 15) Offer a Free Trial /
Freemium Version This ties in with #6 on this list ( Use Betalist) . When moving out of the beta stage, offering a free trial or a free option for your service is a great way to get more customers. a good reason: users won't really know if a product is right for them until they give it a test drive. If your product is something that you believe would not work well in this pricing structure, make your introductory cost low enough so customers will feel comfortable making the initial investment, yet high enough so that they don't question the quality of what you are offering . 16) Get Social Proof Although it might be difficult to leverage the more popular sites early on, getting social proof is a goal that you should always be working towards.